GF Station 帳號申請
申帳首頁 新手教學 GF Station  
<% '130x130橫幅廣告 sql_banner12 = "SELECT AutoID, PicName, Subject FROM Index_Banner WHERE Index_Banner.Show = 'Y' AND Category = 12 AND SDate < SYSDATE() AND EDate > SYSDATE() + INTERVAL -1 DAY ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 4" set rs_banner12=conn.Execute( sql_banner12 ) if not(rs_banner12.bof and rs_banner12.eof) then%> <%for i=1 to 3%> <% next end if rs_banner12.close() set rs_banner12=nothing %>
">" width="130" height="130" border="0" /><%rs_banner12.movenext%><%if rs_banner12.eof then exit for%>">" width="130" height="130" border="0" /> <%rs_banner12.movenext%><%if rs_banner12.eof then exit for%>">" width="130" height="130" border="0" /> <%rs_banner12.movenext%><%if rs_banner12.eof then exit for%>">" width="130" height="130" border="0" />
    <% '遊戲頻道內容 sql_gamech2 = "SELECT AutoID, GameType, GamePic, Subject, Subject2, IDLink FROM Index_Game_Ch WHERE IsShowBilling = 'y' AND GameType >= 0 ORDER BY AutoID" Set rs_gamech2 = conn.Execute( sql_gamech2 ) if not(rs_gamech2.bof and rs_gamech2.eof) then %> <%While Not rs_gamech2.EOF select case rs_gamech2("GameType") case 0 case 1 GameType="game_icon_new.gif" case 2 GameType="game_icon_update.gif" case 3 GameType="game_icon_gshop.gif" case 4 GameType="game_icon_cb.gif" case 5 GameType="game_icon_ob.gif" end select %>
  • ');return document.MM_returnValue" onmouseover="this.className='li_over'" onmouseout="this.className='li_out'"><%=reqdata2(rs_gamech2("Subject"))%><%if rs_gamech2("GameType") <> 0 then%><%end if%>
  • <% '=rs_gamech2("Link") rs_gamech2.MoveNext Wend end if rs_gamech2.Close Set rs_gamech2 = Nothing %>